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Can filing a divorce be considered grounds 4 suit on breich of legally witnessed verbal contract or agreement

Question by kami_wilder: Can filing a divorce be considered grounds 4 suit on breich of legally witnessed verbal contract or agreement
When 2 people get married and repeat their traditional wedding vows to one another their agreeing and promising 2 each other that they will be together as long as they live. Like they say in their vows “’til death do we part.” Then they sign a government document (marriage licence) along with 2 witnesses and 1 judge signing it also, varifing that theyre witnesses to the agreement terms 2 join the 2 people together in marriage “until death do they part”. So if the vows are the terms of the marriage agreement and the marriage document is the signing that the 2 argee to the term (vows), Can the person filing for a divorce be sued for breich of contract/agreement sense their seperating them self from the other before death seperates them?

Best answer:

Answer by Uh_Yeah
I would assume that a breach of contract would be to just leave the marriage without notice. A divorce is a way of cancelling that contract without prejudice.

I’m not a lawyer and I’m not married so my answer is uninformed. Just an opinion.

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