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Q&A: I want to go into Business after I graduate from college but…?

Question by ThrillHouse: I want to go into Business after I graduate from college but…?
I am a Psych major and HR Management minor and I am about to graduate. Working in a HR job would be ideal for me when I graduate. I really enjoy the HR courses and classes but I get a very strange vibe while in the classes…mostly from other students in the class. I am worried that it may transfer over in the business world and my possible career.

Its kinda hard to explain it but its almost like they think I don’t belong in the courses. I am not as social as others in the class as it doesn’t come naturally to me. Its like I am less emotionally and socially developed than the others and they pick up on it. I just feel like I am behind everyone in the social aspect. Maybe its cause I am not as physically built as others or as good looking?

For example, today I gave a group presentation and was dressed nicely. Some kid just looked at me and laughed and shook his head. I wasn’t overly dressed or anything…wore exactly what everyone else was. Keep in mind that I am respectful to everyone but it seems they don’t show me the same amount of respect. I have never said anything that would come off as mean or disrespectful.

So, do you think this type of classroom behavior from others would transfer over to a possible career? Maybe I would get bullied in the office? I just really feel like I would love this career as I am passionate about it. My other passion would be music but we all know that its near impossible to make a living in the music business.

Help me out here.

Best answer:

Answer by chuckles951
You are being oversensitive to what others say and do. If you are having trouble being social, see if your school has a Toastmasters club. If not, find one nearby at

It is very cheap to be in Toastmasters and 80% of the people there turn into really social people and wonderful public speakers. After you are there for 3-4 months you will not worry so much about what other people think and you will be one of the most sociable people around.

at 16 my wall flower of a daughter is now a social tiger and now in grad school, is teaching classes.

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