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20 Rousseau, Social Contract, I-II part 3/4

Sehr empfehlenswerte Vorlesung von Professor Steven Smith, Yale University, November 15, 2006 über Rousseaus Gesellschaftvertrag. Englische Untertitle habe ich hardcodiert. Deutsche Untertitel sind in Vorbereitung. english subtitles are hardcoded. german subtitles are in work, com later. Overview: The concept of “general will” is considered Rousseau’s most important contribution to political science. It is presented as the answer to the gravest problems of civilization, namely, the problems of inequality, amour-propre, and general discontent. The social contract is the foundation of the general will and the answer to the problem of natural freedom, because nature itself provides no guidelines for determining who should rule. The lecture ends with Rousseau’s legacy and the influence he exercised on later nineteenth-century writers and philosophers. Reading assignment: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, Books I-II
Video Rating: 5 / 5

A rare find of the Jean Keating giving a seminar in Orlando Florida December 25th, 2004. Part 12 Transcript: Some of this series is missing due to corrupt original foorage, see transcript above to fill in the holes. For entertainment purposes, not legal advice.
Video Rating: 5 / 5